Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I’m tired. So tired. I started a new medication and I think that is making me more tired that I should be. It’s making it very tough to get through the day and I keep going to bed at a stupid early hour. It only really concerns me because I’m starting school tomorrow and I won’t have nights anymore where I can go to sleep at 7pm.

There are a lot of people around me who are concerned about the amount of classes I’m taking. I have a very strong feeling that I can do it, and do it right. I just may need some adjustments in my life. A big part is to generally be happy and healthier so I can handle the school stress better. That brings us to this:

New Year’s Resolutions!!

Yes I’m a little late. I’m not someone who usually believes in NYRs. However I thought it might be fun. My resolutions are all about keeping me happy and healthy.

 * Exercise once a day, even if it’s only 10 minutes of yoga
Drink tea, like green tea, daily 
*Replace junk food with healthy snacks 
*Drink more water 
*Journal/blog more
*Attend to my to do list quicker (don’t want stress to build up) 
*Be more positive 
*Cook more
*Finish what I start
*Take a break

The last one is probably the most important. Too many times I feel myself slipping and I think “well if I just ignore this feeling and keep pushing myself I’ll be fine. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.  I need to learn to recognize these feelings coming to me and take a break. Take some time to figure out what my next move will be.

Let us see if I can stick to this list.

Friday, January 17, 2014

5 things I'm loving right now

To try to keep this blog a little happier, I'm going to start doing a "5 things I'm loving right now" every few weeks.

In no particular order....

Chocolate almond milk, yummmmmy. I only recently tried this. Need to try the regular almond milk soon.

Dried pineapple. A great little snack. My three year old discovered she loves it as well so I'm now not getting as much as I'd like :)

Water enhancer. Probably not as good as drinking plain water, but I'm not much of a water drinker so at least I'm getting in the habit. It says "energy" but I haven't noticed any extra energy so I'll probably get the regular stuff next time. 

Yay for insurance so I can get my medicine (this is only one of four meds by the way!).

Great show! Similar to 24 which I loved too much. Also happy I started watching this after it aired cause now I don't have to wait a week between episodes!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Feeling damaged

I slept 12 hours last night. And took two naps today. And if I could I would be sleeping right now. I'm not up for dealing with much.

I had therapy for the first time in a month. It was worse than I expected. And I expected bad. Most of the session was going over what had happened right before Christmas, when I seemed to have temporarily lost it. We talked about my accident and how it could have been so much worse and I could have actually got in major trouble. Which trust me, I knew, but it was not pleasant hearing someone else talk about it. Then we talked about my delusions and hallucinations and he asked if I thought I was psychotic. Well, at the present time no. But yes, I worry about it happening again.

He wanted to know how my anxiety spiked so bad so suddenly. I didn't know. He wanted to know how I crashed. I didn't know. He wanted to know a lot that I didn't know. I ended up just sitting for a while in silence. Then I got up and left.

Somehow I probably benefited from what happened today but right now I just feel like crying. Crying because I had to revisit all these things. Crying because this session broke my heart. It just made me see how much more damaged I actually am.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

When will I be ready?

While I'm working on my social work degree I would like to be a peer mental health specialist. I think it's something I would enjoy and it would be a way for me to help others. I came across a job advertisement for a peer recovery specialist close to where I live. I've thought about it a lot. I'm not applying.

Thankfully I have a job I quite like so it's not absolutely heart breaking that I can't have this job. Although it does make me sad. It could be an amazing opportunity. I could be letting something really good pass right by me. Why am I not applying? Because even though I think it is a job I could handle for the most part, I know that I'm not stable enough. It is still too often that I find myself in a crisis. I'm one of those who still need to be helped.

What I keep asking myself is, when would I consider myself ready to be in the position to start helping others? I have no idea. And I think that's what really makes me sad. I feel like I have to put parts of my life on hold because of a disorder. What if I'm never stable enough for what I want in life?

Today was a good day. I woke up early, with a ton of energy. I was super productive at work and had a nice afternoon to myself. And now here I am, feeling a bit hopeless.

And I just realized I forgot to pick up my rx.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dreading my next appointment

I was supposed to have a therapy appointment today. I of course found out it was cancelled last minute. Luckily I wasn’t looking forward to that appointment anyway. See, I haven’t seen, or even talked to my therapist since before my episode last week. I’m sure at some point I’m going to want to dive into this and take a deeper look at what happened, but not now. In fact probably not anytime soon. And that’s what my next therapy appointment is going to be about. This doctor is good at his job, and even more than that he is good for me. I value what he thinks and what he has to say. However, I’m just not in the mood to have a professional weigh in on this. I don’t really want to talk about amnesia, delusions, and hallucinations.

My therapist did call me and we spoke briefly over the phone. We didn’t go into any details, he just asked the basic “are you stable now” questions to make sure I was going to make it until our next appointment in 1 ½ weeks. I told him I would be fine. He pretty much ignored me and told me that I am “on top of the waiting list for an appointment”.

I’m always on the top of the waiting list and have been for a long time. I never asked him why I’m there. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I could be in crisis at any sudden moment. I get calls all the time from reception staff asking if I need to come in.  It’s like in a way they care. It’s nice to have that feeling from your doctors.

I’m getting tried so have to wrap things up. The last thing I want to leave with you is the thoughts currently in my head. If I don’t want to talk about last week with my doctor, what do I want to talk about? I can’t think of anything, so maybe I have to prepare to deal with talking about what happened. Now, how do I become comfortable with that?