Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I’m tired. So tired. I started a new medication and I think that is making me more tired that I should be. It’s making it very tough to get through the day and I keep going to bed at a stupid early hour. It only really concerns me because I’m starting school tomorrow and I won’t have nights anymore where I can go to sleep at 7pm.

There are a lot of people around me who are concerned about the amount of classes I’m taking. I have a very strong feeling that I can do it, and do it right. I just may need some adjustments in my life. A big part is to generally be happy and healthier so I can handle the school stress better. That brings us to this:

New Year’s Resolutions!!

Yes I’m a little late. I’m not someone who usually believes in NYRs. However I thought it might be fun. My resolutions are all about keeping me happy and healthy.

 * Exercise once a day, even if it’s only 10 minutes of yoga
Drink tea, like green tea, daily 
*Replace junk food with healthy snacks 
*Drink more water 
*Journal/blog more
*Attend to my to do list quicker (don’t want stress to build up) 
*Be more positive 
*Cook more
*Finish what I start
*Take a break

The last one is probably the most important. Too many times I feel myself slipping and I think “well if I just ignore this feeling and keep pushing myself I’ll be fine. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.  I need to learn to recognize these feelings coming to me and take a break. Take some time to figure out what my next move will be.

Let us see if I can stick to this list.

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