Thursday, April 17, 2014

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

A large part of my anxiety is due to being so uncomfortable with my body. I find there are many days were I don't want to leave the house because I hate the idea of having to be out in public looking the way I do. I was diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder about two years ago.

People with BDD often have a problem with a signal part of their body. Someone might focus on their nose, or their hair; something that may seem small to most, but it's all that person can think about. For me, I am uncomfortable with my weight and body shape. I just feel I look funny and I'm heavier then I should be for my body type. I also have a diagnosed eating disorder. But that's not very active right now and not something I'm going to focus on talking about.

When I first started therapy, we talked a lot about this particular problem, but the more the mood disorder showed itself the less we focused on the BDD. So I don't really have any ways of dealing with it. This problem has been better since having kids, but it's still very much there. My therapist does believe that DBT will help with this issue as well. I hope so, because lately I've felt I really need to get this under control. Ha, I need to get a lot of stuff under control.. but this has just been bothering me lately.

I haven't got any further on the DBT stuff. Everytime I call intake the person I need to speak to is not there. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm actually kind of looking forward to trying this. Hopefully it works out and helps with my mood and BDD.

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