Tuesday, October 14, 2014

End of therapy?

I am pretty sure I’m stopping therapy. I am not working on what we discuss in those sessions. I’m wasting my time and his time. I’m taking up an hour that could be given to someone who is actually committed. I don’t have the motivation to fix the problems in my life.

Which is funny in a way. Funny in a sad way I guess. I’m working towards helping people in similar situations, trying to get people to understand what they are going through, to accept it, and to get help for it. Yet there is a step that I’m not including in that; and that is that THEY have to work at it. Something I’m not doing.

It’s not like he is giving me tough things to do. Last week he asked me to watch a Ted Talk video he found and smile more. And I promised to follow up on the DBT program. Guess how much of that I actually did.

So today at therapy we agreed I wouldn’t come back unless I’m willing to work on this. My next appointment is in two weeks. So I have some thinking to do.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I was told today that I don't give enough time to help myself and that I seem focused on helping everyone else. So I'm going to try to do that, look out for myself more.
